
Top companies to work in as a Data Professional: Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and ML Engineer.

Discover the best data science companies hiring for data analysts and data scientists in 2024. Find your ideal work environment now! >>


How do you survive the AI revolution as a Data Professional?

Discover the future of data science in the era of rapidly evolving AI technology. Which jobs will survive and which ones could be replaced? >>


New Emerging Professions in the Data Science Field Amid the Generative AI Boom

The Data Science field is undergoing a significant transformation with the emergence of Generative AI, giving rise to new professions. These roles, such as >>


Unlocking the AI Potential: Role of Machine Learning Engineer in the New Era

Discover the ultimate resource for understanding and mastering Large Language Models (LLMs) in the field of NLP. Build your knowledge with comprehensive >>

TensorFlow 2.0 Beginner’s Guide

TensorFlow 2.0: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Wouldn’t you love to have a brain like Google? Not the search engine itself – we’re talking about the Google Brain team, an elite group of >>


Why Data Analyst Might Be a Better Career Than Data Scientist

Part 1: Introduction and Context The Allure of Data Science Ah, Data Science—the glitzy showstopper of the tech world. If careers were celebrities, Data >>


“Shades of Blue” Experiment and What it Means to a Data Scientist

The difference between blue and green is clear and it’s pretty much a straightforward decision when deciding whether a blue or green tie matches your >>

9 Definitive Reasons to Become Tableau Certified

To be or not to be Tableau Certified? That is the question! Which doesn’t rhyme as well as Shakespeare’s version, but it does reflect a struggle >>

Tensorflow mean square error

Troubleshooting | The Most Common Errors in Tensorflow: Resolve it in Quick Steps

Tensorflow is a framework that is commonly used for deep learning and the building of applications that involve multi-layered neural networks. It is worth >>

Top Business Analytics Companies

Top Business Analytics Companies That Will Rule the Industry in 2021

Choosing among the hundreds of business analytics companies or business intelligence consulting companies can be daunting. The reason being, there are hundreds >>

machine learning sample projects

10 Fun Machine Learning Project Ideas for Newbies

Machine learning is considered as one of the most significant technological developments in the modern world. “Learning by doing” is a great way to get familiar >>

Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations – A free masterclass!

Calling all Data Scientists! Our latest masterclass ‘Machine Learning & Data Science Foundations Masterclass‘ is out and we’re giving you a >>

stochastic gradient descent vs gradient descent

Stochastic Gradient Descent Vs Gradient Descent: A Head-To-Head Comparison

As the benefits of machine learning are become more glaring to all, more and more people are jumping on board this fast-moving train. And one way >>

Data Visualization Techniques

5 Data Visualization Techniques that Will Make You a Visualization Ace

Proper data visualization techniques go beyond presenting facts. It is about building impactful reports in a way that communicates meaningful insights, or as >>

SQL Error Codes

Troubleshooting | SQL Error Codes: Pitfalls and Solutions

SQL or Structured Query Language is a programming language used in communicating with a database. Many database systems are based on SQL codes and we can >>

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