
Top companies to work in as a Data Professional: Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and ML Engineer.

Discover the best data science companies hiring for data analysts and data scientists in 2024. Find your ideal work environment now! >>


How do you survive the AI revolution as a Data Professional?

Discover the future of data science in the era of rapidly evolving AI technology. Which jobs will survive and which ones could be replaced? >>


New Emerging Professions in the Data Science Field Amid the Generative AI Boom

The Data Science field is undergoing a significant transformation with the emergence of Generative AI, giving rise to new professions. These roles, such as >>


Unlocking the AI Potential: Role of Machine Learning Engineer in the New Era

Discover the ultimate resource for understanding and mastering Large Language Models (LLMs) in the field of NLP. Build your knowledge with comprehensive >>

TensorFlow 2.0 Beginner’s Guide

TensorFlow 2.0: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Wouldn’t you love to have a brain like Google? Not the search engine itself – we’re talking about the Google Brain team, an elite group of >>


Why Data Analyst Might Be a Better Career Than Data Scientist

Part 1: Introduction and Context The Allure of Data Science Ah, Data Science—the glitzy showstopper of the tech world. If careers were celebrities, Data >>


“Shades of Blue” Experiment and What it Means to a Data Scientist

The difference between blue and green is clear and it’s pretty much a straightforward decision when deciding whether a blue or green tie matches your >>

Web scraping Python and R

Web Scraping: Python vs. R Showdown

There is a good number of programming languages out there being used for web scraping. Python & R are among the most widely used languages in >>

artificial intelligence skills

How to Showcase Your Skills and Boost Career in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or more commonly called ‘AI’ has seen tremendous growth in the past few years. The concept of AI was actually coined in 1965 but >>

Hidden layer neural network

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Hidden Layer Neural Network

Machine learning is predicted to generate approximately $21 billion in revenue by 2024, which makes it a highly competitive business landscape for data >>

perceptron algorithm python

The Complete Guide to Perceptron Algorithm in Python

Artificial neural networks are highly used to solve problems in machine learning. The perceptron algorithm is the simplest form of artificial neural networks. >>

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Data Mining and Business Intelligence: How They Work Together

Business Intelligence (BI) and data mining are tremendously valuable to businesses. When brought together, they help companies leverage their data in order to >>

best way to learn tableau

10 Brilliant Tips on How to Learn Tableau Fast

What Is The Best Way to Learn Tableau? Is your organization dealing with huge amounts of data? Are you required to do monthly data presentations at >>

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression in the Real World

Let’s get real here. We’ve all, at one point or another, come across logistic regression. Maybe we’ve seen it when studying, when working or some passerby >>

Become a Business Intelligence Analyst

Become a Business Intelligence Analyst

In 2020, business intelligence (BI) analysts will have access to more data sources than ever before.  This seismic shift has made companies around the >>

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