
Top companies to work in as a Data Professional: Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and ML Engineer.

Discover the best data science companies hiring for data analysts and data scientists in 2024. Find your ideal work environment now! >>


How do you survive the AI revolution as a Data Professional?

Discover the future of data science in the era of rapidly evolving AI technology. Which jobs will survive and which ones could be replaced? >>


New Emerging Professions in the Data Science Field Amid the Generative AI Boom

The Data Science field is undergoing a significant transformation with the emergence of Generative AI, giving rise to new professions. These roles, such as >>


Unlocking the AI Potential: Role of Machine Learning Engineer in the New Era

Discover the ultimate resource for understanding and mastering Large Language Models (LLMs) in the field of NLP. Build your knowledge with comprehensive >>

TensorFlow 2.0 Beginner’s Guide

TensorFlow 2.0: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Wouldn’t you love to have a brain like Google? Not the search engine itself – we’re talking about the Google Brain team, an elite group of >>


Why Data Analyst Might Be a Better Career Than Data Scientist

Part 1: Introduction and Context The Allure of Data Science Ah, Data Science—the glitzy showstopper of the tech world. If careers were celebrities, Data >>


“Shades of Blue” Experiment and What it Means to a Data Scientist

The difference between blue and green is clear and it’s pretty much a straightforward decision when deciding whether a blue or green tie matches your >>

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Linear Regression vs Multiple Regression: Know the Difference

In data science and machine learning, regression is an important modeling algorithm that most individuals learn early on. In fact, people often consider linear >>

Artbreeder and artificial intelligence artwork image

Artbreeder: How Artificial Intelligence Changes Our Perception of Art

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an innovation that has come and will stick around for a very long time. In almost every sector, a form of AI >>

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The Whys and the Hows of Nonparametric Statistics

As a data scientist, understanding nonparametric statistics is an imperative. With the growing demand for data scientists, analysts, and data-focused engineers, >>

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[Infographics] Data Science Skills Roadmap: Skills and Certifications to Have in 2021

The world runs on data, from making bank deposits, paying taxes, and even communicating with loved ones. All we do is being captured and mapped out >>


Future Technology Predictions Every Data Scientist Should Be Aware Of

Given that businesses must use data to improve services, increase productivity, and increase sales, Data Science will become interwoven in everything we do in >>


7 Golden Rules To Perfect BI Dashboards

Business intelligence is a cutting-edge, technology-driven approach to data analysis and decision-making in short- and long-term operations. By displaying both >>

Data Science Projects

Day-long Data Science Projects to Enrich Your Portfolio

Data is the new oil. You must have heard that. Like oil, data is useless in its raw form. There’s a higher demand for data scientists >>

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What Data Science and Big Data Can Tell About Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital money that is registered on decentralized, encrypted electronic ledgers. Bitcoin is the earliest invented cryptocurrency (in >>

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